This month’s Sourced Box is by far one of my favourites to date. You can clearly see this in my unboxing video where I am pretty much crying tears of joy. No joke. A bunch of my favourite brands are in this box including Love Raw, Ape and Creative Nature Superfoods. So, without further ado let’s dive right in.


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So you may have noticed that I’ve been a bit quiet on here over the past week, but for good reason. I officially launched the DelishEllie blog! If you have a love of all things food then listen up. I will be posting twice a week on Wednesdays and Sundays. Wednesdays I will be continuing with my ‘What I Eat In a Day’ posts but renamed as ‘What I Ate Wednesday’ while Sundays will be anything else food related including reviews and my own thoughts on foodie topics. I also plan on writing posts relating to eating disorder recovery as I am very passionate about getting rid of the stigma surrounding the mental illness and also want to continue to try and help others with eating problems.

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Being a huge foodie, naturally I have foods that I consider staples in my diet. These are foods that I eat almost every day and if I’m not stocked up on them I feel on edge and feel the need to go up to the supermarket and buy more – or should I say, my Mum goes.

So, without further ado, here are my top 5 food staples.

1) Porridge

My favourite thing to eat for breakfast, and what I eat most days, is porridge. I previously addressed the reason for this as being you can get creative with your toppings. However, I also genuinely like the taste of plain porridge oats. Call me boring or whatever you like, but I cannot deny my taste buds. Porridge is great because it’s filling and warming which is especially needed when living in Scotland.



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I thought it was about time I write up another ‘What I Eat In a Day’ because let’s face it, everyone loves food. Today has been a chilled day at home and one where I haven’t been feeling 100%. Thankfully feeling ill hasn’t gotten rid of my appetite.


Porridge with apple, coconut choc shot & ‘Unbeelievable’ Bee Prepared immune capsule

After a short two day stint of eating weetabix for breakfast, it was great to be reunited with my beloved porridge. One of the reasons I love it so much is that you can be super creative with your toppings. Today I opted for apple and my favourite coconut choc shot by Sweet Freedom. Nothing beats a bit of chocolate in the morning. Since I’m feeling run down with the world’s worst cold, I decided to use one of these immune capsules that I received in this months Sourced Box. I mixed the powder into my porridge before whacking it in the microwave resulting in the oats to soak up the milk a lot quicker so it was a lot more ‘goopy’ than usual. A coffee was of course drank alongside this.

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