Back in December I posted my first ever ‘what I eat in a day.’ Over two months later I’m finally getting round to putting together another. My apologies if you were looking forward to this mini-series. My only excuse is that I’ve had a lot of other things that I’ve wanted to talk about and felt that my daily consumption of food could wait.


Weetabix with banana & honey

If I’m not eating porridge for breakfast, I’m most likely eating Weetabix. Most people may find this a rather bland cereal to eat, but like with porridge, I love it for the fact that you can be really creative with your toppings. The banana & Weetabix combo is simple but a favourite, however I decided to change it up a bit by adding some honey. I have to admit that before this week I had never tried honey before. I’ve had honey flavoured things but not pure honey. I bought some last week as I was making Ella Woodward’s (Deliciously Ella) sweet potato pancakes so I have an almost full bottle to get through! Good thing I’m enjoying it. This was devoured alongside my morning coffee.


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This week marks National Breakfast Week! Yes, from the 24th to the 30th January, we are celebrating all things cereal and toast. To show my own appreciation to this under-the-radar celebration, I’m going to be sharing 10 ways to spruce up your porridge.




This is one of my own go-to porridge combos. The banana makes a great natural sweetener and you can even mash half of it into the porridge. The almonds give it some added crunch.

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If I could live my life just eating breakfast foods and snacks I totally would. I’ve always been a snacker. Probably something to do with having ‘snack time’ ingrained in me from a young age – 10am & 3pm. I may not follow these rigid snack rules now, but you can still catch me snacking throughout the day, especially between lunch & dinner. This year my love for snacking and healthy food has combined. The result: Sourced Box.


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What I Eat In A Day #1

Some of my favourite blog posts and YouTube videos are those where we are shown what that person has eaten in a day. It seems pointless with no real purpose – unless these videos are targeted at ‘clean eating’ or a certain diet – but I still find them entertaining nonetheless. So, I thought I would start a little series here on my blog about what I eat on a normal day and despite what I said above I feel as if these posts can serve of some purpose.

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